Basic pricing options:

This information is provided within the registration page as well.

A one-time annual registration fee of $15 is already included in the price list below.


1 event: $75 ($60+$15) (Each additional single event = $60)
2 events: $130 (save $5) (2 x $57.50+$15)
3 events: $180 (save $15) (3 x $55.00+$15)
4 events: $225 (save $30) (4 x $52.50+$15)
5 events: $265 (save $50) (5 x $50.00+$15)
6 events: $285 (save $90) (6 x $45.00+$15) (This package allows event registration in OTHER leagues for $25 each to pay-as-you-go if spots are available.)


Price breaks for multiple siblings: 2nd sibling will receive 25% off. 3rd sibling will receive 50% off.

Contact Scott Morris with any questions.